If you’d like to talk to us about the event, please drop us an email at help@barcamplondon.org.
Additionally, you can follow us on Twitter where we’ll generally announce important stuff.
BarCamp London 9 Team
This event could only be possible through the hard work and efforts of the following people:
- Abizer Nasir (@abizern)
- Caz Mockett (@cazm)
- Chris Bannister (@suddenmoves)
- Chris Foote (@tenbus_uk)
- Cristiano Betta (@cbetta)
- Femi Ogunro
- Glyn Wintle (@glynwintle)
- Judith Lewis (@JudithLewis)
- Joost Heijkoop
- Kate Lomax (@katelomax)
- Kate Reader (@KReader)
- Kevin S. Prince (@kevinprince)
- Mark Stickley (@markstickley)
- Martijn Bleeker (@martijn_bleeker)
- Melinda Seckington (@mseckington)
- Morena Fiore (@mfujica)
- Paulo Leal
- Ruth John (@rumyra)
- Reinier Zwitserloot (@surial)
- Robert Lee-Cann (@leeky)
- Sheila Thomson (@sheilaellen)
- Sophie Paluch (@Pouchatron)
- Tim Blair (@timblair)
- Toby Henderson
- Tom Gladhill (@whoojemaflip)
- Tom Morris (@tommorris)
This event is supported by Geeks of London.
Apologies if you're helping out and we’ve missed your name off the list. Drop an email to help@barcamplondon.org and we’ll fix it straight away!